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Angora Rabbits

An anGora wspaniałe miękkie uszy królika Piękny szaro-biały królik raGo śliczny mały brązowo-biały królikGorabit NiewiaryGodnie miękkie futro królikaGora Cudowna mała buzia młodeGo anGora królika Zbliżenie pięknych, puszystych uszu królikaGora Zbliżenie na królikaGora królik wspaniałe oczy z kory An anGora królik bawiący się na trawie An anGora królik z niesamowitą białą sierścią i puszystymi uszami Piękne, gęste, puszyste futro królikaGora

Angora Historia i wygląd

There is a fair amount of confusion about the origin of the Angora. It is thought that the romans kept and bred Angora rabbits for their wool around 100 BC, and that as the Roman Empire expanded they took their rabbits with them. Other accounts state that the Angora rabbit originates in the Ankara region of Turkey and that in 1723 Mariners bought the rabbits to France after spotting them in Turkey.

There are records of Angora rabbits in England as early as the 1500’s. Although it is unknown exactly where the Angora rabbit was found, it is certain that they have always been bred for their silky wool. Angora wool is even softer than cashmere and it fetches a high price.

Angora Zachowanie i hodowla

Angora rabbits are generally sociable, friendly and calm. French Angora’s tend to be a bit more headstrong, whereas English angora rabbits are more docile and calm.

Angora Odmiany

There are a few varieties of Angora rabbit. These are the English, French, German, Giant, and Satin.

Angora Status

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Angora Pictures

Angora na sprzedaż

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