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Beige Rabbits

Beige Historia i wygląd

The unusual beige colours were being bred for in both the Netherlands and Britain in the early 1900s unbeknownst to breeders in either country. In Britain the Beige emerged towards the end of the 1920s but lost favour as other fut colours were seen as more desirable.

The Dutch Beige was developed in Rotterdam in the 1930s by a breeder called G. Brinks who named the breed. The breed was recognised in the Netherlands in 1940 and about 40 years later the breed was imported to Britain.

The breed is recognised by the British Rabbit Council (BRC) which states that the breed standard weight is 2.26 and 2.948kg but is almost exclusively kept by rabbit fanciers.

Beige Zachowanie i hodowla

These rabbits have a placid and reliable temperament. They are a gentle breed who do well as pets for adults and children so long as they are handled gently.

Beige Odmiany

Can range from a dark Chamois to a Sandy Beige colour with faint blue ticks on hair.

Beige Status

Bardzo rzadka rasa.

Beige Pictures

Beige na sprzedaż

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