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British Giant Rabbits

Brytyjski królik olbrzymi na białym tle

British Giant Historia i wygląd

The British Giant became recognised as a separate breed in the UK in the 1940s. It was bred from varying colours of Flemish Giant rabbits and is now commonly found in white, black, blue, grey steel and opal. The British Giant is only really recognised in the UK.

British Giants should weigh between 15 and 16 pounds (5.5 - 7kg). They should also have a long body, a straight back, powerful legs and large erect ears.

British Giant Zachowanie i hodowla

Similar to the Flemish Giant, British Giants have a friendly and calm temperament. They very rarely show aggression, and tend to prefer lazing around which makes them perfect pets for children.

British Giant Odmiany

White, Black, Blue, Grey steel, Opal

British Giant Status

Dość popularna rasa.

British Giant Pictures

Jessica Rabbit ciesząc się słońcem

British Giant na sprzedaż

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