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Chinchilla Rex Rabbits

Chinchilla Rex Historia i wygląd

Rex rabbits have short guard hairs that lie below or level with the undercoat to give a soft velvety feel to the coat. Originally bred for their furs, rex rabbits were also suitable for the meat trade. The fur is a dark slate blue base with one-third white and lightly tipped with black and white to give a sparkling chinchillated effect. A Chinchilla rex weighs between 2.72-3.62kg (6-8 lbs) and has a well-proportioned body with medium head, strong hind legs and erect ears.

The Chinchilla rex is not for the novice breeder due to the difficulties in breeding to the highest quality.

Chinchilla Rex Zachowanie i hodowla

Rex rabbits are of a medium size and can make suitable pets, providing they have been handled regularly and gently from a young age. They have a tendency towards nervous behaviours but there are also many examples of the breed that are friendly.

Chinchilla Rex Popularność

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Chinchilla Rex Pictures

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Chinchilla Rex na sprzedaż

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