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English Rabbits

English Historia i wygląd

The English rabbit, also known as the English Spot, is a very well known breed and a common pet having been in existence within the UK for over 200 years.

An English rabbit should weigh between 6 and 8lbs (2.7 to 3.6 kg). Its markings are very distinctive with a white body and coloured spots, coloured ears, coloured smut on the nose and an unbroken coloured line along the spine. Ideally the markings on both sides should be equally balanced and the spots should increase in size towards the rump.

English Zachowanie i hodowla

The English rabbit is a medium sized rabbit with very few specialised requirements. As long as it has been handled regularly from a young age and is gradually introduced into a new home it is likely to make a very good pet.

English Odmiany

The colours for the spots and markings are black, blue, tortoiseshell, chocolate or grey.

English Status

Rasa powszechnie spotykana

English Pictures

Angielski spot doe!
Króliki i jej zające!
Sniffles kocha pisklęta!
Sniffles kocha trawę!
Sniffles, my rabbit!
Angielski Spot Buck
Szylkretowa angielska łania plamista
Totoro - myślę, że to angielski królik.

English na sprzedaż

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