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Giant Papillon Rabbits

Giant Papillon Historia i wygląd

This breed has its roots in the Lorraine region of France. The Giant Papillon is the result of crossbreeding between Flemish Giants, large French lop-eared rabbits and spotted rabbits. It wasn’t until 1920 that the distinctive butterfly markings on the nose became prominent. The Giant Papillon was exported to America tt the beginning of the 20th century where they are also known as Checkered Giants. This breed was originally developed for the meat trade. The Giant Papillon can weigh between 5-8kg, and takes two years to fully mature.

Giant Papillon Zachowanie i hodowla

Giant Papillon rabbits can have different coloured markings. The most common is black, but you can also get grey, blue, steel grey, and yellow.

Giant Papillon Odmiany

This breed has a very calm nature, but they can also be active and playful.

Giant Papillon Status

Bardzo rzadka rasa.

Giant Papillon Pictures

Giant Papillon na sprzedaż

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