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Lilac Rabbits

Lilac Historia i wygląd

The Lilac rabbit was created by several breeders in different countries simultaneously in the early 20th century. The first breeder was H. Onslow who first showed the Lilac rabbits at a major show in London in 1913. A Mrs Illingworth also bred Lilac rabbits and named them the Essex Lavender. In The Netherlands a C.H. Spruty also created this breed and named it Gouda. He crossed Blue Beverens and Havanas to create a lilac coloured rabbit weighing around 3kg. Meanwhile in England the famous geneticist and breeder R.C. Punnet also crossed Blue Beverens and Havanas. This rabbit was named the Cambridge Blue. Since then the several different breeds have all been bred together which has caused a great variation in the tone of the lilac colour. Today the breed isn’t often kept as pets even though they would make very suitable family pets.

Lilacs weigh between 2.5 and 3.5kg.

Lilac Zachowanie i hodowla

Lilacs are calm, docile, and gentle. They are affectionate and will enjoy attention, making them a suitable pet for families with children.

Lilac Odmiany

This breed comes in the main grey colour with a lilac hue. However the shade and darkness of the grey can vary.

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Lilac na sprzedaż

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