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Lux Rabbits

Lux Historia i wygląd

The Lux was created by Dusseldorf rabbit breeder K. Hoffmans who was also responsible for the Perlfee (a breed that shares many similarities with the Lux). It is believed that crossings between Perlfees, Marburgers, Tans and Sables all took place in the development of the Lux.

The Lux was first shown in Germany in 1919 and recognised there in 1922, which is when it acquired its name.

The Lux has since spread throughout continental Europe but is virtually unheard of in the United Kingdom and USA.

Lux Zachowanie i hodowla

The breed has a friendly temperament and can make a perfect pet for adults and calm children.

Lux Odmiany

The Lux only comes in one colour variety: Pure white under colour, warm orange base coat with blue/silver tips to the hair.

Lux Status

Bardzo rzadka rasa.

Lux Pictures

Lux na sprzedaż

Ważna informacja: Wszystkie zwierzęta wymienione tutaj można jedynie odebrać osobiście. Nie mogą one zostać dostarczone przez sprzedawcę ani przez firmę Omlet. Sprzedawca prześle Ci swoje dane kontaktowe w celu ustalenia płatności i odbioru.
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