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New Zealand Rabbits

Biały królik nz Królik nowozelandzki leżący z nadstawionymi uszami

New Zealand Historia i wygląd

The New Zealand rabbit is a large rabbit routinely used as a meat and laboratory rabbit but also a popular pet and exhibition rabbit. New Zealand rabbits originate from America, not New Zealand. The New Zealand White first appeared in 1917 in America and was imported into the UK after the Second World War (1945). The New Zealand rabbit grows very quickly, perhaps the reason for its popularity as a meat rabbit. An adult rabbit can weigh up to 5.44kg (12lb) with a medium body, well-rounded haunches, short front legs and a bold head. The coat is usually dense but soft.

New Zealand Zachowanie i hodowla

As a large rabbit, the New Zealand may be less prone to nervousness however its weight might be off-putting for people that wish to handle the breed regularly.

New Zealand Odmiany

White, Black, Blue The New Zealand Red is a smaller rabbit than the New Zealand White, typically weighing 3.62kg (8lb).

New Zealand Popularność

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New Zealand Pictures

Biali nowozelandzcy
Biali nowozelandzcy 11 dni
Ostatni miot `Tumble w wieku 3 tygodni

New Zealand na sprzedaż

Ważna informacja: Wszystkie zwierzęta wymienione tutaj można jedynie odebrać osobiście. Nie mogą one zostać dostarczone przez sprzedawcę ani przez firmę Omlet. Sprzedawca prześle Ci swoje dane kontaktowe w celu ustalenia płatności i odbioru.
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