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Satin Rabbits

Satynowy królik na białym tle Królik satynowy od tyłu pokazujący błyszczącą sierść Widok z boku satynoweGo królika na białym tle

Satin Historia i wygląd

The history of the Satin rabbits starts in Kentucky, America 1932. A litter of Havana rabbits were born with a striking satin shine to their coats. It was american breeder Walter Huey who owned the rabbits and caused quite a stir when he showed them to the public in Lousiville.

Fur trade interest in the Satin fur was limited but another breeder by the name of Price wanted to cross the rabbits with New Zealnd Whites in an attempt to improve the fur quality and meat yield. Ivory coloured Satins appeared in 1938 but there was still little improvement in meat or fur so the Satins remained a pet breed.

In 1947 the Satin was exported out of the USA and British breeders were quick to develop a range of colours by crossing the Satins with Rex breeds.

Satin Zachowanie i hodowla

Satins are generally calm and gentle rabbits who make fantastic pets for everyone. Most are kept by rabbit enthusiasts and breeders and the public rarely see them.

Satin Odmiany

Ivory, Blue, Black, Brown, Lilac, Castor, Cinnamon, Lynx.

Satin Status

Rasa powszechnie spotykana

Satin Pictures

Satin na sprzedaż

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