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Swiss Fox Rabbits

Swiss Fox Historia i wygląd

To no surprise, this breed was developed in Switzerland by a Mr Muller. The swiss fox is the result of breeding a Havana and Angora rabbit to produce a rabbit that resembled a fox, as in the 1920s (when the breed was developed) fox fur was all the rage. Unfortunately Mr Muller failed to produce a rabbit with a pelt that was similar to a fox. This breed was recognized as ‘Schweizer Fuchskaninchen’ in 1925. Throughout the second world war this breed was wiped out in Germany but still remained in Switzerland. Today this is a rare breed, however they do occasionally pop up in shows across Europe.

Swiss fox rabbits have muscular bodies and weigh between 2.5 and 4kg.

Swiss Fox Zachowanie i hodowla

This breed is calm, and docile. They are happy to handled and will sit calmly providing they have been handled from a young age.

Swiss Fox Odmiany

White, black, blue, havana, chinchilla, yellow.

Swiss Fox Popularność

Bardzo rzadka rasa.

Swiss Fox Pictures

Swiss Fox na sprzedaż

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