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Vienna White Rabbits

Vienna White Historia i wygląd

The Vienna is a well muscled and fine coated breed that reproduces prolifically. For these reasons it was originally bred for its meat and fur. Created by crossing the Flemish Giant with other Eastern European breeds, the Vienna was first shown at the end of the 19th century in Austria.

In modern breeding the Vienna gene creates Blue Eyed White rabbits and this is now part of the breed standard. Viennas that are white must have a pale blue iris and coloured VIennas need a grey/blue iris for showing standard.

Vienna White Zachowanie i hodowla

Viennas are generally laid back and docile but their large and strong bodies means they need to be handled competently or you risk injury to both yourself and the rabbit.

Vienna White Odmiany

The Vienna comes in Blue, Black, Agouti and White.

Vienna White Status

Bardzo rzadka rasa.

Vienna White Pictures

Vienna White na sprzedaż

Ważna informacja: Wszystkie zwierzęta wymienione tutaj można jedynie odebrać osobiście. Nie mogą one zostać dostarczone przez sprzedawcę ani przez firmę Omlet. Sprzedawca prześle Ci swoje dane kontaktowe w celu ustalenia płatności i odbioru.
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